About Steve

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Los Angeles, CA, United States
I have been a licensed Doctor of Chiropractic in California since 1987.

Monday, February 14, 2011

We all must be wounded in life...

“We all must be wounded in life, and the bigger the gift we have to give, the bigger the wound is. In life we must be wounded to crack us open to shape us for our destiny of service to other people. Like it or not it’s just the way it is. Now you can focus on ‘poor me, this is the reason my life is the way it is’ or you can say ‘Wow, I was cracked open early in my life because I have a lot of gifts to give’. It doesn’t matter which is true or which is false. One will make you ill and the other will liberate you….

So, it’s a choice.”

Donny Epstein

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